Non-verbal Reasoning for CEM Entrance exams
We cover the following types of non-verbal reasoning for the eleven plus entrance exams. These types of non-verbal reasoning are also important for CAT tests (cognitive ability tests). These test are taken in most schools in Year 7 (first year of secondary school).
Type 1: Complete the series (Video)
- You are given four figures that follow a specific pattern and you must find the figure that completes the series. To solve these questions we show you the SNAPSS method.
- You are given five shapes of which four are related in some way. You must find the shape that is most unlike the others.
- You are given two figures that are related to each other in some or other way. You must then find a shape from the answer choices that follows the same rule but with a different shape.
Type 4: Complete the figure (Video)
- You are given a figure of which a part is left out. You must find the answer that will complete the figure.
Type 5: Rotation of shapes (Video)
- A shape is rotated clockwise or anticlockwise and you must find the figure that represents this rotation.
Type 6: Figure matrix (Video)
- A matrix with 4 or 9 shapes is given. One of the shapes is left out and you must find the figure that completes the matrix.
Type 7: Codes from diagrams
- You are given figures with a code that relates to the figure. You must find out how the code relates to the diagrams and then find the code for another figure.
Type 8: Mirror images
- You are given an image and must identify the mirror image.
Type 9: Shapes with identical properties (Video)
- You are given two figures that share some common properties. You must find from amongst the answer figures a shapes that has the same properties.
Type 10: Detection of hidden figure
- A shape is given and this shape is hidden in one of the answer figures.
Type 11: Paper folding
- A transparent sheet with a specific pattern is given. You are required to find amongst the alternatives given, the pattern or figure that would be formed if the transparent sheet is folded along the dotted line.
Type 12: Views of 3D shapes
- A 3D shape is rotated and you must identify the shape after the rotation.
Type 13: Plans and elevations of 3D shapes (Video)
- A 3D shape is given and you must identify the drawings of the paln, the front elevation and the side elevation.
Type 14: Composite parts of 3D shapes
- Your task is to find the sets of blocks that can form a given 3D shape.
Type 15: Nets of cubes (Video Part 1, 2 & 3)
- A net of a cube is given and your task is to identify the cubes that can be formed from the given net.
- Part 1: See animations on how the 11 different nets fold to form the corresponding cubes. (Nets of cubes Part 1 Video)
- Part 2: How to identify the correct dice from a given net. (Nets of cubes Part 2 Video)
- Part 3: How to identify the correct cube from a net. The cubes have diagrams/symbols like arrows, rectangles and circles on the different faces. (Nets of cubes Part 3 Video)
Type 16: Paper cutting and hole punching (Video)
- A piece of paper is folded in a certain way and the holes are punched into the paper. The paper is then unfolded and you must identify what the paper will look like after unfolding.
Type 17: Grouping of identical figures
- A grid with nine shapes are given and you must find a rule to group shapes with identical properties together into three different groups.
Type 18: Clock movement (Video)
- These are questions based on the movement of the hands of a clock. The hands may be moving in either direction, clockwise or anticlockwise with varying time intervals. You are given four or five different successive figures showing movement of the hands and you are asked to determine the next position.